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  Understanding ClickBank - Can Someone Steal My Sales?
By  Hermione C Spencer

Do you want to ensure that your ClickBank sales are credited to you, and you alone?

Have you been a ClickBank sale theft victim?

In your quest to fully understanding ClickBank, are you aware that it is a simple task for a thief to claim your hard earned commission?

There are rumors that fly around regarding the security of your ClickBank affiliate links and, as such, I am often asked, can someone steal my sales? The short answer is yes, your ClickBank sales can be stolen right from under your nose.

Now, not being a technical person, nor a thief who would try to implement this theft technique, I cannot tell you how to steal someone else's sales, but I can certainly assist with ensuring you are credited for the sales you make.

However, having said that, what a ClickBank thief will endeavor to do is to replace your ClickBank ID in your product hoplink with their own, and therefore, when a sale is made it's credited to the thief's ClickBank account, not yours.

So, how can I prevent someone from stealing my ClickBank sales, I hear you ask?

You need to hide the ClickBank vendor ID in two specific places:

in the order link on the vendor sales page
in the affiliate URL

You can use the following techniques to hide your ClickBank hoplinks:

a redirect link - your own website is required for this, which you can pick up for about $1. For detailed instructions on how to do this, ClickBank has excellent help pages within their site that I recommend you read if you don't know how to redirect a link.
a cloaked link produced by an affiliate cloaking program, some of which can be used for free.
a tracking URL, of which there are also plenty on the internet, and I recommend you do your research and choose a program that suits your needs.

About the Author:
The reality is that your ClickBank commission is at risk, but with a little bit of effort and research, you are able to ensure the security of your ClickBank sales. []Click here if you want to be a successful ClickBank affiliate. My name is Hermione Spencer, I've been successful, and you can be too, and I'd like to help! Visit my Clickbank Training Review today where I review the top nine ClickBank training programs to assist you and put you on the fast track to success.


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