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  Here's a Great Way to Drive Targeted Traffic
By Clare Swindlehurst

If you want to have any kind of success online then you need to understand right now that content really is king. Whether you want to make sales through blog posts, or an auto-responder series, through your sales page or even articles then there are seven habits that you need to develop.

1. Add value

The most important thing you need to keep in mind when writing any kind of content is that you must add value for the reader. You need to think about the issue that the reader has and then tell them how they can solve the problem. Make sure your content is informative and doesn't leave them with more questions than answers.

2. Write an engaging title

You want to grab their attention straight away and encourage them to read your article. Which article would you prefer to read: 'How to Lose Weight' or 'Why Salads Are Sabotaging Your Weight Loss'?

3. Use a clear structure

Your content should walk your reader through from beginning to end. Your introduction should tell the reader what they will learn if they take the time to read your article. Then use paragraphs and bullets to break up your text and make it easier to read. Finish up with a summary that then leads into your resource box.

4. Use a conversational tone

Write your articles as if you were talking to a friend. Your article will feel much more engaging if you keep the sentences short and use light and friendly language.

5. Pay attention to spelling and grammar

You are trying to build credibility with your content so pay attention to the small things and ensure that there are no spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. Read your content out loud, if you trip over any words then you need to rewrite the sentence. If spelling is not your strong point then ask someone to review the article for you and fix any mistakes.

6. Use your resource box wisely

The resource box is your opportunity to sell the click to your website. Don't waste words talking about yourself, you need to tell your reader why visiting your website will benefit them. Offer them a free report or an eBook to encourage them to visit your website.

7. Recycle your content

Don't think about your articles just as articles, they are so much more than that. The best bit is that now you have taken the time to research a topic and write a piece of content you can now recycle it into something else.

Record yourself reading the article and upload it to your website as an MP3 file. Do this regularly and you have yourself a podcast.

It's as simple as converting the text to slides using software like PowerPoint and then adding some music before converting the slideshow into a video. Now you just submit it to YouTube and other video sharing sites.

Need a free ebook to encourage people to click through from your resource box link? You already have everything you need to create one. Simply package together ten to fifteen articles that you have written and convert them into a PDF file.

About the Author:
Finally, don't forget that traffic is the life blood of any online business. To discover 26 ways you can drive targeted traffic to your website without spending a penny visit today.


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