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  Starting Your First Online Business - Part 7 - ClickBank Research
By Wade Davis

ClickBank is the internet's largest retailer of digital products. Here you can sign up as an affiliate to promote other peoples products, or you can list your own and have people promote your personal product. I am going to show you how to do the latter but first we must continue with the research first leveraged from Amazon with the Beadwork. Go ahead and open up and follow along again. Here's what we have to check now...

So just from searching very briefly on Amazon we have found a pretty popular niche that sells a good amount of books offline. Now we have to see if Beading and Jewelry Making is something people are looking for online.

To do this we are going to do some pretty aggressive keyword research, but first we'll want to see if there are any E books already for sale in this niche just to see what our competition would be and how they are selling their product. For this we will use information from ClickBank.

ClickBank is somewhat like Amazon but is the largest seller of digital books or E books as they are known online. It is a place where people can list their E books and affiliates can promote those E books and earn a commission for selling them. ClickBank is the website we will use to sell our books when it comes time to doing so.

ClickBank by default lists their E books the same as Amazon, best sellers on top down to the lowest sellers. Let's do a quick search. Go to and click on MarketPlace at the top of the screen. Now you'll see a search tool. Go ahead and type in beadwork under Keywords and press enter.

What you are looking for are some E books related to the same topics as the Amazon books. This search results in nothing! Now that could be good or bad. Let's try a search for Jewelry... It looks like most of the top selling digital products for jewelry all involve starting your own jewelry business. That may be something we could market to but that's not exactly what we were looking for.

On page 2 and search result 14 you should find a "Hand Embroidery /Beading and Jewelry Making" E book, exactly what we are looking for. I would say go ahead and click on it just to get an idea of how he/she was promoting and selling it but it appears at least from my connection that the website is no longer there. No problem, we can still gather some information from what we already have. Just by looking at the grav, it shows us that the product has sold before and it looks like they were offering 60% commission on a $22 product. All of that will be useful to us later.

I see also on the top of page 2 results that someone is offering a video membership course on how to make jewelry. That might be something we can offer as well.

What you would normally do at ClickBank if you do find an E book in your particular niche, is just gather all the information about their product and website. Is their product selling well? Also look to see how it's laid out, what their domain name is, how they are promoting the product, how much they are selling it for, what keywords they are using, how many back links they have, pages, etc. All of this is going to help us know what we have to do to make our product successful.

I would recommend digging through ClickBank a little further so you can become more familiar with their site and what all the stats mean. At this point in our research we don't need to know too much from them other than what we have already gathered. Sometimes you'll find multiple products in the niche you are researching and it will take more time just going through all the different products. Let's continue our research... in the next series.

About the Author:
Wade enjoys writing to help others and has been making money online for the last three years. He also owns and operates a plethora of websites all designed to offer free consumer information. His newest Laptop Power Adapters website gives information about Cheap Laptop Batteries and where to find them.


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